At Level 50, you should have these skills.
Brom's Curse - 7
This should be maxed because it is an awesome skill, especially when your in a party and want to keep everyone alive. Along with health injector's you shouldn't have trouble staying alive. This skill allows you to take 14% of your life back every time you hit an enemy at level 7. Although there is a limit, it works every 2 seconds, so you can't use a quick firing weapon to steal your life back extremely fast. But with lightning field it will be hitting lots of enemies at once which will result in you getting a huge % of your life back at once if you are hurt.
Drain Power - 2
pre req for elemental drain. I tend to use a lot of power injectors for this build instead of using this skill. But lots of willpower helps!
Drain Life - 2
pre req for elemental drain. Use health injectors and Brom's curse instead of this. And blink away if those aren't doing enough to keep ya alive.
Elemental Drain - 5
This skill owns, when there is a tough enemy it allows you to do a lot more damage. Also if they are hitting you with lightning or other elementals it will reduce the damage taken by quite a bit.
Concentrate Damage - 10
This skill should be maxed because it comes in handy, especially in groups, but even in solo. What you do is cast this skill, then use spectral lash on an enemy from a distance, if they aren't dead then cast lightning field in front of you and begin to back up. Then when they get closer cast lightning field again and start to use Arc Legion, if they still have some life then use Brom's curse and keep throwing down lightning field and Arc Legion. If the enemies are still hurting you too much, then blink away and repeat.
Dual Focus - 1
You only need one point in this since you are not going to be a tank for this build and will be putting a lot of points into willpower.
Blink - 1
Some people think you need more than one point because of the 20 second cool down. But you shouldn't have to be fleeing in a panic with all the damage being dealt and Brom's curse. You can take away spectral lash mastery or one or two points out of lightning field if you want more into this skill. It will reduce the cool down by a few seconds but i don't recommend it.
Spectral Bolt - 3
pre req for spectral lash.
Spectral Lash - 5
At 30 meters, this is enough. It is good for sniping off flying enemies from a distance especially. It is also good for luring mobs closer to your lightning field and Arc Legion. I don't think it's necessary to put 10 points into this skill and have 45 meters.
Spectral Lash Mastery - 1
It's up to you if you want to put one point in this or not. I do just so that every now and then you can have an explosion that allows you to take less damage and do more damage to the enemies. But since the blast area of it isn't very large i wouldn't suggest dishing out too many points into this.
Lightning Field - 5
This is an absolute must for this build. With it's quick casting time you can be running from enemies and throwing it down. With Brom's curse it makes it even more valuable from all the health you can receive from enemies. Some people don't like to put 5 points into this skill though, so it is up to you how much you invest. Every skill point adds an increased radius for the lightning field, it does not increase damage. I would suggest adding at least 3 points into this skill and no more than 5. It depends how big of a field you want.
Tempest - 3
pre req for Arc Legion.
Arc Legion - 5
This deals huge damage to enemies. Putting 5 points into it allows a 15 meter range which i think is enough. It seems like a waste to put 10 points into this since that only adds 5 more meters. But this is another one that is up for debate. I would suggest sticking with the range of 1-5 points for this skill, it just depends how close you want too be to enemies.
As for stats, you should put the minimum amount of accuracy and strength for your equipment. Then put what you think is necessary for stamina and willpower. If you play solo a lot then you might want to put an even amount of points into stamina and willpower. If you play with groups of people more often then you might want to add more into willpower since you won't be taking as many hits.
P.S. Don't think about skipping out on Brom's curse because you will need it on nightmare difficulty and especially if you are playing elite and/or hardcore.
P.P.S This is one of many many builds for an evoker. There are so many combinations that could be used effectively, but this is what i find to be fun and work. I find that as long as you don't spread out your skill points into too many areas then you will have a decent evoker. Good luck! and please feel free to comment.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
My own Evoker Guide
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Stonehenge Chronicles Released
As we reported yesterday, the Stonehenge chronicles patch was released yesterday. Subscribing players can now enjoy all of the aspects of Patch 1.0, and all the other Hellgate fans still get class changes and bug fixes. Hellgate has officially gone gold!
Hellgaters! We march to Stonehenge!
Hellgate: London's first major content update, the Stonehenge Chronicles, launched early this morning. After a day's pause to exterminate two pesky bugs, brave Hellgaters have already ventured out into the hellspawn-infested realms beyond the safety of the monolithic ruins built by druids long past. Sending back word of their conquests in forms both written and visual, reports from the front lines are unanimous: Stonehenge shall not fall into demon hands. Putting their rivalries aside, Templar, Hunters, and Cabalists have banded together to seek out the enemy in its lair, felling minions and masters of hell's castes to reach an eternal evil.
In addition to this new subscriber content, all players get to enjoy a host of fresh features, gameplay tweaks, and a reworked Evoker class. Buddy lists are now account-based, the crafting system has been streamlined, and the user interface now has scaling elements. Add in abundant bug fixes and improved textures on party members and you've one heck of a giant content update. The Stonehenge Chronicles patch notes can be found here and the patch itself can be downloaded here.
It's time to take the fight to the demon. We march!
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Hunter Model Tutorial
CGSociety has just publshed a feature article by Alessandro Baldasseroni, who is the designer of the Hunter model for Hellgate London.
CGSociety states:
Alessandro Baldasseroni created the Hunter model. He tells all on CGSociety.
Baldasseroni is one of the most prolific artists in the industry, submitting
works since the original Character Modeling d’artiste title, and the original
ELEMENTAL Autodesk book. Alessandro submitted the Hellgate: London ‘Hunter’
image to Ballistic Publishing’s ‘EXOTIQUE 3’ last year. The Hunter model was
made for the Hellgate:London cinematic, made by Blur Studio Inc. The Hellgate:
London game was created and developed by Flagship Studio.
The guide shows the steps that were taken to make the hunter along with a number of concept illustrations. It is three pages long and is a great read for any 3D modelling enthusiast.
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Sunday, January 20, 2008
Q&A: Bill Roper opens up on Hellgate
GameSpot has published up a question and answer session with Bill Roper, where they mainly chose to talk to him about the upcoming patch as well as how the team at FSS feel about the game so far.
GS: Hellgate launched with more than a few serious bugs. Was this a matter of staying true to the ominous Halloween date, or were outside forces to blame?
BR: Honestly, we tried to do too much with the game. We created our own engine, tools, and online destination from scratch in just a few years. We are really proud of the work we did, however we were perhaps a bit too ambitious.
If we could have waited another three months to ship, we would have, but the challenges of an independent game studio are much, much different than what we had during our days at Blizzard or the guys at face (since we often see comparisons with them and Guild Wars) as they were owned by NCsoft before they had to ship. We don’t shy away from the fact that Hellgate: London was far from perfect when we launched, but we’ve also stayed dedicated to the game and our players and have been exerting every effort to make amends and get the game to what we envisioned. We’re thankful to our fans that have stuck with us, and encourage people who maybe tried the game when it launched or never checked it out because of early concerns to give us another look with The Stonehenge Chronicles.
It is interesting to see that FSS has more or less admited what a lot of fans have been saying of them being too ambitious, however they also seem to confirm a lot of people’s reasoning for why they couldn’t delay the game much longer.
While the entire interview is a very intersting read and I recommend everyone to read it, here is a snippet I found particularly interesting:
We’re continuing to give all of the classes in-depth evaluation and will be making everything from tweaks to whole-sale changes as required. We’re also very close to starting up a “Team Advocate” program where specific members of our community will be organizing feedback in several areas from our player base and then speak directly with the design team to see these issues addressed. We have a lot of very passionate players in our community, and we think this will be an invaluable way to best get their feedback and improve the game.
As well as:
If you look at a game like Eve Online, for example, they started with a very small number of players, but had enough to sustain themselves while they grew the game. Today, they have a healthy and dedicated player base that makes them a success story.
Really the entire article is worth a read, so go read it now!
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Game Informer Magazine Online reviews Hellgate:London
Game Informer Magazine Online recently reviewed Hellgate:London and delivered a particularly positive review when compared to a majority of other reviews. Could this be because Game Informer Magazine has a partnership with, one of the largest video game retailers in the United States or is Game Informer telling it like it is based purely on the game as a concept and it’s game play?
Here’s an excerpt from the review which you can find Here
Continuing the Diablo homage, nearly everything in Hellgate is randomly generated, from the maps you explore to the weapons you equip and the monsters you fight. Unfortunately, the environments prove to be the game’s biggest disappointment. The dozen or so tilesets are endlessly recombined into unique levels, but the set pieces quickly become all too familiar. The twentieth time exploring the same ruined building (albeit perhaps on a different side of the street) doesn’t exactly hold the same sense of wonder.
What Hellgate does, it does well – few games have core gameplay this strong. However, it doesn’t venture far outside of the scope of filling an XP bar or finding that next upgrade. The story isn’t much more than a thin excuse to kill demons, and the truly memorable encounters are few and far between. If you like faster-paced combat than you’ll find in the rest of the MMO genre, though, this could be a great fit.
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G4TV Hellgate:London Review
G4TV’s review of Hellgate:London done a month or so after launch. It’s a pretty fair review. They raise a pretty good point about how expectations have made it a bit complicated to review HG:L. On one hand you know FSS is a new company and know they deserve to be cut some slack but on the other side of the coin, these guys created one of the top games ever in Diablo II so they should be able to do it again. Unlike some reviews that say the game sucks, stay away, G4 goes the wait until some fixes are patched in route.
Below is an excerpt noting the online and single player experience.
Much has been made of Hellgate’s online experience, and in theory, it’s mostly a good thing. Players gather together in hub stations to chat, trade items, show off the spoils of their adventures, and group up for upcoming missions. Then, as they head out, the whole thing is instanced particularly for that group. And then, the random level generation takes over once again. It’s not as big a deal in the online mode, since you’ll have the camaraderie of your party members to make up for the sometimes irritating level design. Plus the whole thing is free. Hellgate does feature an optional subscription service that adds options like Guild functionality and the promise of future content upgrades, but the free multiplayer is likely where most gamers will want to stay.
Put quite simply, Hellgate: London is a buggy mess. And that goes double for the multiplayer action. Crazy slowdown during battle; graphic issues where various on-screen elements completely disappear; and bugs that crash players right to the desktop are all issues in the retail version of this potentially awesome game. Patches will almost assuredly fix these problems eventually, but it’s still pretty disheartening to rip open that cellophane for the first time and realized you’ve basically paid full price for an unfinished, unpolished product.
As a single-player game, Hellgate delivers – especially if you’re a die-hard Diablo II fan. If you can deal with annoying inventory management and unimaginative level design, you’ll get a lot of fun out of this game. Online, however, is a broken mess as of launch. In time, you’ll probably be able to add at least a point to our score, but as of right now, you’re better off waiting to jump into this demon-infested version of London.
Labels: Hellgate Review 1 comments
Stonehenge Chronicles Launch Date Set
Hellgate: London Community Manager Scapes has posted the official date for the release of the Stonehenge Chronicles at January 21st, 2008. Here are the details!
Explore New Environments, Conquer New Demons and Find More Phat Loot
in the First Chapter of the Hellgate Chronicles
The fight for humanity is spreading away from the streets and sewers of London and moving all the way out to the mystical areas surrounding Stonehenge – or what’s left of it. The first installment of the ongoing Hellgate Chronicles is going live for subscribers on Monday, January 21st, 2008.
Stonehenge is a huge outdoor hub accessed through a special portal in Templar Base, connecting players to several new and exciting quests. Heroes will find themselves in completely new open, outdoor wilderness areas unlike anything seen within the city limits of London, battling terrifying new demons and bosses and finding new items very distinct in their appearance. This action-packed update includes:
• The Caste Caves – Unlock four unique dungeons, one for each caste of enemy – Beast, Necro, Spectral and Demon – to seek and destroy a powerful overlord that resides in each cave. Defeating them and collecting their heads will allow you to continue the adventure…
• Moloch’s Lair – Only after collecting the heads from the Caste Caves will heroes be allowed entry into the lair, with a chance to defeat the legendary Moloch, one of hell’s most imposing minions who carries very unique items that can only be obtained by defeating him in combat. And because Moloch’s soul is eternal, this quest and it’s rewards can be a never-ending challenge.
• The Wild – These three mini-raid areas present players with difficult obstacles but also huge rewards with three levels that get increasingly more difficult even with the recommended full party size – you will need a small army to get through these challenges.
In addition to the above, The Stonehenge Chronicles also includes many of the other updates the Hellgate: London community has been asking for, including improvements to game UI, a large number of skill balance changes, a PvP dueling arena and more.
Hellgate: London subscribers can also now pay for their subscriptions via PayPal and PayByCash. For more information on payment options and a full list of notes for this update, please visit
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Hellgate: Patch 0.7 Fix
Flagship CM Scapes tells us that they are making a new build of Patch 0.7 to help fixing "Network Error" problems:
To all Hellgaters who have been experiencing "Network Error" problems: they
shall plague you no more. We're going to launch a new build of Patch 0.7 which
includes a fix that should end the appearance of this error.
(US) will be closed at 5:30 AM PT and will be shut down at 6:00 AM PT. Sydonai
(EU) will be closed at 7:30 PM PT and will be shut down at 8:00 PM PT. Both
upgrades are estimated to take two hours.
In addition:
This patch has no Stonehenge content and isn't related to it.
However, the "network error" bug will remain fixed when the live servers
transition to the Stonehenge content update.
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
MMOsite Reader's Choice Awards
The rally cry of Hellgate: Incgamers seems to have pulled off! Look at MMOsite's best games of the year, it seems clear to say that while Hellgate have had some bad reviews, there are some die-hard fans still in this very community! The same seems to go for GuildWars: IncGamers.
Best New Game
1. Hellgate:London
2. Zero
3. Tabula Rasa.
Favourite p2p Game
1. Guild Wars
2. Hellgate: London
3. Ragnarok Online
Best Graphic
1. Shaiya
2. Silkroad online
3. Hellgate:London
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bill Roper HanbitSoft Interview
This interview with Bill Roper at the Korean launch event comes to us courtesy of Play HGL and HanbitSoft.
HanbitSoft sends over a translated summary of some of the questions and answers
that Bill Roper answered over at the Hellgate: London Launching Party in Korea.
I am not sure if the answers were translated from Korean back to English again
or those are his own words, just click the link to check out the interview.
Thanks HanbitSoft!
Bill answers various questions, a lot of which address the game issues as well as how the launch in Korea will happen and what Bill hopes for.
Q. If you would tell your success by number, what would it be?
I think CCU
over 100,000 will make me very happy. Wouldn’t that be quite a success? ^^
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Missed out on the Founder’s Offer?
The Founders Offer allows you to pay a one-time payment of 150 USD for a lifetime subscription to Hellgate: London instead of monthly payments.
Please keep in mind you don’t need to subscribe for online play, but if you’re interested in the perks of subscription and on-going content, then this is definitely worth looking into.
Missed out on the Founders Offer? You can still get yours with a pre-order from
You can grab the Pre-Order from the site which includes a Founders Offer eligibility offer where you can pay for the founders offer and attain a wasp dye kit for all of your characters.
The wasp dye kit can’t be traded and will always be with your character(s) even
if you make a brand new character they will obtain a wasp dye kit in their
Only those who with a pre-order registered account are viable
to the limited-time founders offer.
You can add a ‘pre-order’ badge to
your account from the website into your account there after
signing in at anytime.
Also, if you just wanted the wasp dye kit and
didn’t want founders offer you can get that too. You can add all 4 different
pre-order dye kits to 1 account. It’s certainly a great looking dye kit for
those of you with bland colors. Metalic black with gold pipe lining and patterns
make for a kickass scheme.
Be sure to check out if you’re interested.
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Patch 1.0: Scapes’ Update and Hanbiton Video Preview
It’s been a while since we heard about the first big update for Hellgate: London, Patch 1.0. But be not worried, loot-hungry masses !
First of all, Scapes, one of Hellgate: London’s Community Managers, has written an update on the Patch’s progress. Here is what he had to say last Wedneday:
[…]The content update is not far away but does have two more requisite steps to
pass through.
First, our quality assurance (QA) team is scouring the
live launch build of Stonehenge for faults and is rapidly narrowing down the
remaining “holds”, bugs that prevent the patch from being released. These holds
make the game unplayable from either a gameplay or technical standpoint. Only a
solitary few remain and are meeting their undoing at present.
we’re going to be starting the ramp-up for promotion of Stonehenge Chronicles on
aggregate gaming news websites and with other press sources. For those who
haven’t experienced the new subscriber content first-hand, these articles will
provide a thorough evaluation of what the Stonehenge content update is going to
But the most interesting information was added yesterday:
The Stonehenge Chronicles content update will be coming this month.
Also, our planned schedule for releasing future content updates has not been
Obviously, very good news, both regarding Patch 1.0 and future patches.
Now, I’ll tease you a bit more, with this video Hanbiton released yesterday Peeks at Stonehenge itself, at some areas, and a few surprises are included in the Low-res video, and in its High-def sibling.
There you go, fellas !
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments - Third Fan Interview
As you may or may not remember, one of the prizes for Hellgate: London’s Halloween contest was to be interviewed by FSS. Today, the third interview was published on HG:L’s official website, allowing us to meet Nick Choate, a really talented pumpkin carver.
What inspired you to create your submission?
Inspiration…uhh…nothing really, the idea kinda just popped in my head when i saw the box art for the game (the Davy Jones reject)
What did you use to create it?
Pumpkin, Photosho..I mean…lots of hard work, and an Exacto knife. I did use Photoshop to trace an outline of the pictures, then transferred it onto the pumpkin.

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Hellgate: London Korean Open Beta on Friday
The Open Beta for Hellgate: London is launching this coming Friday. Details can be read at HanbitSoft’s website.
Bill Roper, Eric Liu and Aletheia Simonson from Flagship Studios will be gracing the huge event at Melon Ax Hall in Korea. DJ Doc, a Korean hip-hop group will also be performing live at the event. So if anyone’s going, please be sure to bring a camera and take some photos of the event!
It looks like it’ll be possible to win a slew of prizes including a new Dell XPS gaming laptop, HP widescreen monitors and more.
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Hellgate: London in Tom’s Hardware “Worst Games of 2007″
I was hoping to resume newsing on HGG with a good piece of news, but heh, duty comes first. Ben Meier and Rob Wright, hosts of Second Take (Tom’s Hardware’s games-related show) had a talk about the worst games of 2007, and Hellgate: London is on the list, along with games such as L.A.I.R or Fantastic Four.
According to Meier and Wright, HG:L is “plagued by technical issues”, “crashes and glitches”. The biggest blow comes from Wright: “If it did not have these technical issues, would it be a great game ? No, but it might be better, might be a rental […]”.
It should be noted that this advice is based on Travis Meacham’s upcoming review, and that Meacham is “prepared to say that it will be one of his worst reviewed games of the year”.
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Competition: Claim the South Pole for Hellgate Guru
Hellgate Guru is starting a new competition with the help of Darksaber, who’s traveling to Antartica in January/February, and you can participate!
Put a Guru flag (or shirt on a stick) and claim the south pole !
That’s right, will claim the South Pole for the Living in 2008. We’re taking back the polar wastes from those nasty demons with a bad-ass flag to show them we mean business.
It’s pretty simple: Design a Hellgate-themed logo to go on a A4(?) sized flag, preferrably neutral white or black background.
Remember, you don’t see countries flags with lens flare effects in Photochop, right? Simple, sexy, shiny - thats what a HGG flag is all about.
The winning entry will recieve their once frozen, but now thawed flag (mailed free of charge to your doorstep) , accompanied by a certificate and framed photo of the flag standing in the frigid wastelands, planted by yours truly.
Sorry folks, I can’t offer pengiuns as a second place prize, but I might be able to sneak through customs with an elephant seal in my bag.
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Hellgate London Manga
Kellestine has pointed out that there is new information on the first volume of the Hellgate London manga, which lists both its pricing and a small summary of it.
by Arvid Nelson & Lee Tae-Hang
the year 2020, a demon invasion strikes several cities around the
globe…including London, home to college Rugby champ John Fowler and his family.
In the 48 hours leading up to the invasion’s climatic Battle of All Hallow’s
Eve, John and his sister Lindsey attempt to unfold the mystery behind a series
of bizarre portents: an exhumed skeleton, a haunting apparition, and a powerful
sword that they find in their attic. Solving the mystery, though, reveals
something about their family that changes their lives forever.
SC, 5×7, 192pgs, b&w $10.99

Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Hellgate: London Korean Open Beta on Friday
The Open Beta for Hellgate: London is launching this coming Friday. Details can be read at HanbitSoft’s website.
Bill Roper, Eric Liu and Aletheia Simonson from Flagship Studios will be gracing the huge event at Melon Ax Hall in Korea. DJ Doc, a Korean hip-hop group will also be performing live at the event. So if anyone’s going, please be sure to bring a camera and take some photos of the event!
It looks like it’ll be possible to win a slew of prizes including a new Dell XPS gaming laptop, HP widescreen monitors and more.
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Hellgate: London in Tom’s Hardware “Worst Games of 2007″
I was hoping to resume newsing on HGG with a good piece of news, but heh, duty comes first. Ben Meier and Rob Wright, hosts of Second Take (Tom’s Hardware’s games-related show) had a talk about the worst games of 2007, and Hellgate: London is on the list, along with games such as L.A.I.R or Fantastic Four.
According to Meier and Wright, HG:L is “plagued by technical issues”, “crashes and glitches”. The biggest blow comes from Wright: “If it did not have these technical issues, would it be a great game ? No, but it might be better, might be a rental […]”.
It should be noted that this advice is based on Travis Meacham’s upcoming review, and that Meacham is “prepared to say that it will be one of his worst reviewed games of the year”.
Labels: Hellgate News 0 comments
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
More details of Arvid Nelson's Hellgate: London comic book revealed
More than two months back, we reported that Flagship Studios' Hellgate: London would be getting a manga rendition of its own courtesy of Tokyopop. More details have surfaced about London comic">Arvid Nelson's Hellgate: London comic since then, most of which deal with the context and the characters of the story.
The story of the new Hellgate: London comic is set in the year 2020, about 48 hours before the Templar make their suicidal assault on St. Paul's Cathedral on All Hallows' Eve. Rugby champ John Fowler and his family take the spotlight this time around as they attempt to make sense of a variety of ominous occurrences that will reveal the truth behind the real nature of their family.
Writer Arvid Nelson and illustrator Lee Tae-Hang worked in conjunction with Flagship Studios for the Hellgate: London comic project. Volume 1 of the manga consists of 192 black and white pages in softcover format, and sells for a retail price of US$10.99.
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